Filmmaker and Editor
Specialized in filmdirecting and screenwriting for both fictional and commercial types of filmmaking. Additionally skilled in both editing and 2-D Animations.
The Power of Stories
A short compilation-styled video about the power of storytelling illustrating my own work.

Stories | A short video portfolio (2023)
Click the award to see the film.
What type of service you need, depends both on your story and your audience. Here’s a quick overview of the services I provide.
Directing / writing
- Commercials, Music Videos, Documentaries and Films.
- 10+ years of experience.
- Concept consultation and project supervision.

- Social media, film or television.
- Sounddesign, colorgrading and visual effects.
- Adobe Première & Adobe After Effects.
2-D Animation / Design
- Illustrative and fun-to-watch animations.
- Storyboarding and custom made designs.
- Check out animations here.